Let's Start Your Cleanse

Let's Start Your Cleanse

Why Cleanse with Journey Your Journey?

  • Our juice cleanses are made to order and cold-pressed in-house using an industrial juice press that gives us smooth and nutrient intact juice.

  • Made with 100% organic fruits, vegetables, and almonds. 

  • 1-2 pounds of fruits and vegetables go into each bottle of cold-pressed juice. 

  • Zero water or added sugars are added to our cold-pressed juice.

  • The juices they we provided in our cleanses are raw and unpasteurized.  

  • We have developed 3 different juice cleanses for different needs and/or personal preferences.

Why Cleanse?

A cleanse is a powerful way to give your body and mind a complete reset from all the toxins in your body. Think of it as a ‘rejuvenating spa session’ for the inner body – you’re totally nurturing your whole system to restore and revitalize itself. While you cleanse, the body is able to release stored toxins built-up over our lives from the consumption of food, drinks, pesticides, air, and water, and other toxins that we are unknowingly consuming on a deeper level. When you ingest liquids from natural fruit and vegetables your body system in the detoxification process, you’ll develop more immunity, resilience, and strength, as you fuel your body with the adequate nutrition to give it all that it needs throughout the cleanse journey.

Our body’s cleansing systems:

  • Skin (Largest elimination organ)

  • Liver (Main detox organ)

  • Lymphatic System (Carries waste out of bloodstream)

  • Kidneys (Filters metabolic and toxic waste from the body)

  • Lungs (Mucous lining can trump toxins to be released by breathing or coughing)

  • Colon (Absorbs nutrients whilst carrying waste out of the body)

 The benefits of taking part in a cleanse

  • Better sleep

  • energy & vitality increases

  • Experience Weight-loss

  • Clearer skin

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Improves digestion

  • Clear & focused mind

  • Energetic and spiritual transformation